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Choose your top 3 tasks for the day

reduce stress work efficiently Feb 21, 2023

Using To Do lists to lessen your mental load is something I’ve been recommending for a long time. It frees up more mental bandwidth for getting the important work done, instead of trying to constantly remember all the things you need to do.

However, I was recently reminded of one of the dangers of keeping a detailed list: it can become overwhelming if you have too many tasks that ‘must’ get done on any single day.

One strategy to avoid the overwhelm is to look at your list for the day and decide:


Consider the rest as ‘bonus’ or ‘flexible’ tasks that can get pushed to another day.

If you’re like me, the thought of leaving tasks behind (even temporarily) can be stress-inducing… but I encourage you to shift your thinking.

Think about how you’ll feel when you cross those TOP 3 tasks off your list for the day. That’s 3 things you *actually finished*.

You will feel better about the progress you made and the fact that you’re closer to sticking to the timeline you’ve set up with a client (or yourself).

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