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Organize your bookmarks

reduce clutter work efficiently Feb 14, 2023

Take a look at your browser right now. Do you have a million tabs open?

If so, they are probably pointing to articles you want to read ‘someday’ when you have free time. Or maybe they are related to a project you’re working on and you don’t want to have to reopen them each time you get back to the project after working on something else.

I get it. I used to operate the same way.

What I hadn’t considered is the fact that even if it’s not actively in use/being viewed, each of those websites can be using bandwidth in the background.

That means your computer’s precious bandwidth is taken away from the work you are actively doing in that moment.

I recommend the following:

  1. Save the URL from each of those open tabs into your browser’s bookmarks list.
  2. Organize the bookmarks into folders that make sense to you.
  3. Utilize your browser’s bookmark bar to keep all those links within a couple clicks.

For example:

  • The articles you want to read can go into a ‘To read’ folder.
  • Websites related to tasks you’ve been meaning to get to can go into a ‘To do’ folder.
  • Links related to your business tasks, browser-based tools, or resources can go into a ‘Company name’ folder with as many subfolders as you want.
  • Links related to your clients can go into subfolders under your business or in their own folders.

It’s been a short time since I implemented this change for myself and it has already made a huge difference in how I work. My browser seems to load faster and I enjoy the lack of visual clutter while working on the web.

Try it for yourself and let me know how it works for you!

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